Visual Design

Broadcast Production, Post-Production, and Everything in between.
Over the past two-plus decades, I have had the fortune to hold nearly every role in a production.

Documenting my processes

Always learning, Always testing, Always documenting the process.
Take a look at my blog where I write about on-going projects.

My Competitive Advantage

I am proud to call myself a generalist. I believe that as a society, we only need so many specialists.
I have made a career built around the knowledge of how Information Technologies and Technology Stacks interact and are intertwined with Broadcasting.


When I first saw Brad at Digital Signage Expo giving a presentation I was totally blown away! His content and content strategy for internal communications left me speechless. I kept thinking, “this is how it’s done!” The best decision I made that day was to walk up to him and introduce myself. I can honestly say I am a better creator for having known Brad. He is brilliant and able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to. If you are looking for someone who can solve problems, achieve company goals, and formulate winning strategies all while keeping your customer’s and (more importantly) your employee’s experiences a priority, he is your man!

Jennifer Arani

Working with Brad often means diving deep into a magical world of data visualization, cutting edge digital signage and complex back end processes that create beautifully simple and clear outputs that change the way organizations speak to each other and think about themselves. I love how Brad’s knowledge and passion pushes everyone around him to be better and think more creatively.

In six years of working closely with him, I cannot think of a single challenge that I have given Brad (no matter how loosely framed or pie in the sky) that hasn’t been met and exceeded. He is a team player who makes the difficult look easy, the complex appear understandable and actionable – all with great humility and humor. From public speaking to writing to designing incredible internal communication systems, Brad is a force of nature and a reliable and innovative business partner.

Katie Laird

Brad’s expertise and innate skills within every aspect of audio and video production made a radio interview I was invited to contribute to easy to excel at. He is so knowledgeable and thorough in his preparation that you know all is going to go perfect. It does. He’s what a true professional is: prepared for any situation, insightful and quick to respond, and a great person to work with. I recommend him without hesitation.

Louis Columbus

About ME


As a generalist I carry a wide breath of knowledge about a lot of domains. Fundamentally, I’m driven by these core values.

Continuous Improvement
I strive to be better than I was the day before. As an individual, in my family,  and the value I bring to my work.

Experiment without Fear

I seek to test assumptions to better understand the context while looking for solutions that bring value.  I see failures as a part of that process. 

Agent of Change

I will advocate for myself and my team in constructive ways. I firmly believe that a companies culture is shaped by the behavior of its leadership and will speak up if things do not align with what they say they believe.  

Find Joy in the Grind

Grit & Grind is often part of the process. This doesn’t mean I’m a hustle culture advocate, but I’m not afraid of hard work.

Understand Context

Creativity doesn’t happen in a vacuum. 
I have made a career in understanding how worlds collide.  

Brad Parler

CMO & Broadcaster

Let's Build Something cool

If your organization is looking for a custom AV solution, give me a call or reach out to me on social media.